The Coronavirus pandemic has brought about some challenges, not only physical barriers but also mental barriers to positivity and productivity. As a supplier of high quality cleaning equipment, a large percentage of our customers are within the hospitality and leisure industry and the closure of these facilities meant that our equipment may not be needed for the foreseeable which understandably was a big worry.
But we had two choices: to face difficulty with optimism or to face difficulty with pessimism.
Firstly, our NHS workers needed urgent PPE supplies, and with key contacts in our industry we began supplying these to the healthcare sector. However, this didn’t come without it’s challenges either, including a shortage of stock, and a steep increase in prices. We also donated face shields to keyworkers through the “Monty Says Donate” programme to help the healthcare sector financially.
To overcome these challenges, we have altered our product offering and have helped businesses understand what equipment and products they need to comply with regulations, which included donating hand sanitising stations to businesses in the area. In the future, we hope that the cleaning industry and operatives will be recognised for how essential they are to everyday life.