13 August 2020

Hygieia Group: Cleaning Through Coronavirus

We had two choices: to face difficulty with optimism or to face difficulty with pessimism.
13 August 2020
CAsh is King

Cash is king as businesses return to the ‘new normal’

Many business owners would agree that 2020 is turning out to be one of the most challenging periods in modern history. And one thing is now essential for all businesses that have survived the coronavirus lockdown and wish to get up and running again – […]
13 August 2020

Sustaining community resilience in a post-coronavirus world

Lockdown shrunk our world, highlighting the vulnerabilities of a globalised economy and bringing us back to a more localised way of living
13 August 2020

Finding a silver lining

my work-life balance was terrible, I had become disillusioned with the business - but then...
12 August 2020

Community Means Business

Not for the first time, but certainly under very different circumstances, the business world has rocked on its axis these past months.
22 January 2020

Adapting is the key to survival

Weird, strange, bizarre, lockdown, pandemic. Words we rarely used but now “the new normal”. How did this happen? Who is to blame? If we knew the answer to those questions we’d not only be famous by now but I suspect very wealthy also. So what […]