Weird, strange, bizarre, lockdown, pandemic. Words we rarely used but now “the new normal”.
How did this happen? Who is to blame?
If we knew the answer to those questions we’d not only be famous by now but I suspect very wealthy also.
So what do we do? Lie down and give up or adapt, innovate and drive forward? We, like many other businesses, have done the latter. We used to cut acrylic for letters and wall signage but now we also make sneeze screens and cough guards. We used to make pull up roller banners to promote and inform, now they form safety screens for hairdressers, accountants, solicitors and others who have all had to adapt in their own way.
What all of this proves is just how resilient we all are as human beings. The very best has been seen, from more care in our communities, appreciating the NHS and all key workers which in turn gives us all a lift to combat anxiety and promote wellbeing amongst ourselves and those around us.
Be kind to those around you and they will in turn pay it forward.
We must all learn new skills in communication and for those more technologically aware the use of Zoom, Team, Google Meets or Skype has become the norm. Others may use the “Virtual Hug” to greet and with the use of face coverings now mandatory in certain settings we must again adapt to new behaviours.
One thing I am certain of is that the human spirit paired with compassion, understanding, positivity, and hope will see us all through.